
Founded in 1712 and Remains a House of Worship to This Day

Welcome to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

1956 Main Road

Tiverton, RI 02878
401-624-4759 or email

Father Greg Prior’s office hours: Wednesday and Friday: 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.


 Schedule of Services

  • Saturday Evening: Holy Eucharist at 5pm
  • Sunday Morning: Holy Eucharist at 8:00 am
  • Sunday Morning: Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am

Church Calendar

Ministry Schedule

Pentecost begins on Sunday (May 19th, 2024)

We have music every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. service. Rob Currier, our seated organist and choir director plays every other Sunday. Sebastian Bottone is the organist on alternate Sundays or as required.

Seeking New Choir Members

Holy Trinity is asking you to consider becoming a new choir member. No experience required, we just need voices to lift our hearts, minds, and spirits in the worship of God.  If you are interested please speak with Rob Currier or contact the church office. Please call Rob at 401-265-1589.

Upcoming Events

Trinity Trader Thrift Shoppe Grand OpeningSaturday (April 20, 2024)

Trinity Trader Operating Hours: Thursdays and Saturdays from 9am – 2pm.

Harvest Fair (October 26, 2024)

Let’s make the Harvest Fair a success!

The 2024 Diocesan Convention

The 2024 Diocesan Convention will be held Friday and Saturday October 27 & 28. Friday is an in-person time with Episcopalians from around the diocese. Saturday is the business meeting that will be held via ZOOM.

New Bedford Salvation Army Fellowship (Volunteers Needed)

We have reconnected with the New Bedford Salvation Army once again to assist them in serving meals to their local community in need. We have made a commitment to provide volunteers covering Monday and Friday.

The total time commitment is about 2 hours. You would need to be on-site by 11:30, the meal is served from 12 A.M. to 1 P.M. and then cleanup and you are on your way. The tasks include welcoming the clients who come for the meal, serving coffee, dessert and filling plates with the main course and serving the tables. While the meal is an important element, taking time for conversation with the clients is just as important, if not more so. Each week about 50-60 clients are served. If this opportunity to serve in this ministry touches your heart, please contact the Parish Office.

New Visitors

You will be warmly welcomed. – In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he gives us a command to show hospitality to others. Here at Holy Trinity, we take Paul’s command seriously. We pride ourselves on making everyone who comes through our doors feel welcome. We are a church family in every way that truly loves and cares not only for one another but also for all those who may come to visit us for a day or who hopefully stay with us for a lifetime.

Walking into a new church, or a new denomination can be an intimidating experience. But don’t let that stop you. To make things a bit easier for you, we offer this brief introduction of what newcomers might expect. If you have questions during the service, feel free to ask someone nearby or one of the ushers at the back of the church.

The Act of Worship

As Episcopalians, we gather in worship to celebrate God’s presence among us. The services follow an order found in our Book of Common Prayer (“common prayer” refers to the prayers we say as a group, in common). We’re a sacramental and liturgical church, acknowledging our traditional rites and roots but open to thoughtful debate.

As you enter the church, you’ll be greeted by an usher and be given a pew bulletin that will guide you through the service, containing all the prayers, responses, and readings. It will also tell you when to stand or kneel. Practices vary, even among Episcopalians. Generally, we stand to sing; prayers are said either standing or kneeling; we stand to hear the Gospel and sit to hear the other readings.

On the back of the pews, you will find two books: the blue 1982 Hymnal and the black Book of Common Prayer from which all services are conducted. Pew bulletins are used to make following the services easier, especially for newcomers.

An Open Door

When you visit an Episcopal church, you will be a respected and welcomed guest. You will not be singled out in any way nor asked to stand before the congregation nor to come forward. You will simply be part of our family as we worship God. We strive to live by the message of Jesus Christ in which there are no outcasts and every one of God’s creations is welcome.