We are a church that
loves people.

We take seriously our mandate to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. No matter what your story is, you’re welcome here. With programs for all ages, you’re sure to find a spot where you belong.

VBS 2024

June 3–7

Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School at Ankeny Baptist Church, happening June 3–7, 2024! This year’s theme is “The Great Jungle Journey”, and kids will explore an epic journey through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  

Check back on the Ankeny Baptist website soon for further registration details. 

Upcoming Events
Rest, Reach, and Relate
Rest, Reach, and Relate

Sunday, June 2  |  Relate VBS Prayer and Plan Church VBS Kickoff for the kids; bring the whole family; the night will end in praying together for VBS and VBS


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