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Sharing Salt

Thinking about some of the deepest and most profound conversations we see in Scripture, I’m struck by how many take place over food and/or drink.…
James Travis
April 30, 2024

CGN Relief Fund

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Listen to teachings by Chuck Smith

Sermons from the founder of Calvary Chapel.

Cultivate: Church Planter training program

The vision of Cultivate is to see these churches planted not haphazardly or in solitude, but in partnership with the local church.

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From The Archives


Advent: The Son

Part 2 of 3 * This article is adapted from a series of papers written for Western Seminary. Continuing this three-part celebration of Advent, this…
Christian Living

Memento Mori: Death Inspiring Life

Memento Mori is a Latin phrase that means “remember that you will die.” It is, I think, the perfect way to end one year and…

Why the Virgin Birth is Essential to Christianity

Mary spoke these words, perplexed by the news the angel gave her, “How can this be, since I do not know not a man?” People…
Pitfalls of Dispensationalism
The Origins and DNA of Calvary Global Network
Ministry & Leadership
Exposing Truth: Engaging a New Generation with the Need for Expository Teaching
Christian Living
Exchanging Heaven for Here
How can the Bible and Jesus both be the “Word of God?”
Strange Fire Friendly Fire

Loving Our Neighbors in Orlando and Beyond

Love your neighbor as yourself. What does that really mean? Who is my neighbor? There once was a man listening to Jesus who asked that…

“The Lord Bless Thee:” Remembering Pastor Chuck

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the LORD lift up…

One Nation Under God. Indivisible?

I’m an Englishman living in America. In California, to be more specific. I absolutely love the people, the culture, the architecture, the food, the beach,…
Christian Living
CGN Shelter In Place Resource List
The Aftermath of Terrorism in Paris: God’s Hope & Your Help
The Link: Missions Conference Archives, Truth Over Power, Whataboutism & More
Scarecrows in a Cucumber Field
Israel at 70: Lessons for the Church Part 2
A Gospel Response to Racial Injustice

The Church & Victims of Depression

The phone rang at 2am again. I knew who it was before answering. In recent weeks, Anita (not her real name) often called in the…

Three Signs of “Drive-By” Evangelism

Billy Graham said, “The evangelistic harvest is always urgent. The destiny of men and of nations is always being decided. Every generation is strategic. We…

Returning to the Gospel on Reformation Day

Have you ever noticed that our society celebrates everything? In September alone, we celebrated "Random Acts of Poetry Day" (September 6), "Video Games Day" (September…
This is the Way: The Mandalorian and Ancient Creedal Christianity
A Response To Jordan Peterson from a Protestant Christian Pastor
Persecution Will End
Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Gospel
Reframing the Gospel for the Nations That Are Now in Our Neighborhoods Part 1
Thoughts on The Power of the Gospel
Ministry & Leadership

Introducing the Temporary Tenants Podcast

A bit about me: My name is Cody Nunes. I am blessed to have an amazing wife, Karissa Valadez, and two beautiful boys, Theophilus and…

CGN Church Relief Fund Update

In this video, Jimmy Schauerte of Roots NYC shares a praise report of the Calvary Global Network churches who came together and sent funds to…
Ministry & Leadership

Crafting the Sermon: 10-Minute Seminary: David Guzik on Sermon Prep

|10-Minute Seminary: David Guzik on Sermon Prep| Crafting the Sermon: That is the second key component with sermon prep. “We are not composers; we're conductors.”…
Ministry & Leadership
Preaching Is an Act of Persuasion
Ministry & Leadership
Calvary Chapel Bible College Israel
Ministry & Leadership
What Can I Do with a Degree in Biblical Studies?
Ministry & Leadership
CGN – Leading During Covid-19
New Episodes: CGN- Leading in COVID-19 Podcast
Ministry & Leadership
The Success of Succession: When Church Leaders Are Pressed to Compromise

Good Friday

Jesus was bludgeoned. He was betrayed, spit on, lied about and nailed to a piece of wood we call the cross. From the physical pain,…

When The Path Leads Through Pain

“My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows” - (Psalm 129:3 NLT)“Be kind. Everyone you meet is carrying a…

The Church & Victims of Depression

The phone rang at 2am again. I knew who it was before answering. In recent weeks, Anita (not her real name) often called in the…
Weak Men Weak Excuses
What Is Hatred For?
Finding Strength in the Benevolent Gaze of God
The Worshiper and the Leader: A Powerful Combination
The Way We Repent
How Firm a Foundation: The Life of Adoniram Judson
Christian Living

Advent: Poverty and Glory

It’s amazing how different our modern Christmas is from what Mary and Joseph experienced. We have holiday sales, ugly sweater contests, family gatherings, Christmas lists,…
Christian Living

Women Worth Knowing: New Podcast by Cheryl Brodersen

Gladys Aylward: Part 1 We open our podcast with the incredible, captivating story of "the small woman," Gladys Aylward, who served as a missionary to…
Christian Living

Isobel Kuhn: Women Worth Knowing

Isobel Kuhn (1901-1957): Today we feature the story of Canadian author and missionary Isobel Kuhn, who served among the Lisu people of China with her…
Christian Living
I Break Everything – Getting Put Back Together After Falling Apart
Christian Living
Should a Pastor Ever Say No When You Ask for Help?
Christian Living
Four Promises of God for the Suffering Christian
Christian Living
God’s Right To Change The Plan
Christian Living
Jesus, Your Identity and Valentines Day
Christian Living
The Lines of True Christian Unity