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Sitka~Alaska is a Digital Marketing Agency based out of New Jersey. We are in business since 6+ years. In this time we have handled 70+ SEO projects, 17 Adwords Projects and around 30+ Social Media Marketing projects. We love to face challenges, as we believe they get the best out of us and bring us together.

We prefer to build a long lasting relationship with our client and we start since the day we come in contact. Knowing the customer better is something we all believe in since it helps us in understanding our clients business better and helps us in completing the project effectively.

All projects are same for us and we are equally dedicated irrespective of the goal of the project.

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Our Key Features

<p>All projects are handled personally by the experienced members of our team.</p>
<p>We test a lot of theories for each specific project to get them an edge over competitors.</p>
<p>Our ecosystem of experience combined with innovation is the best recipe for success.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">We are committed to provide the best service and do whats best for the client.</p>
<p>Our support system will be there with you all through the campaign period to help you out with things.</p>

Learn How Instagram Marketing can Profit Your Businesses!

We’d like to give a huge thanks to Amir from Buzzoid for writing this post. Buzzoid is the #1 go-to place if you’re looking to purchase real, quality instagram likes. Be sure to check them out guys. We’ve also recently collaborated with iDigic, a reliable source to buy Instagram followers.

According to reports, multiple check-ins, with foodies and endless nom-nom tags has made it quite evident the link between social media and dining.

Millennials today, as we see, love sharing pictures of food and food stories, especially over Instagram. Besides, most of you are already associated with the all-popular hash tag “food porn”. Nevertheless, how do you presume this ultra-hyped trend came about?

The answer is simple, Instagram marketing of course! Now, according to most experienced Instagram marketers, social media restaurant marketing has a different approach to take.

Therefore, today let’s discuss how experience and innovative marketing can lead to customers flooding your restaurant gates!

But, before addressing the topic at hand, let’s quickly review what experienced marketers have to say about using Instagram for restaurant promotions.

How Insta- Marketing Leads To Customers Flooding Your Restaurant Gates!

As mentioned above, selling meals is a different affair altogether from selling products. Therefore, here are the practices, experienced restaurants marketers undertake-

  • Showcase the happy family!

Almost every successful restaurants profiles over Instagram, showcases stories of staffs cooking or sharing humorous incidents. Basically, popular businesses know the secret to being popular is to make your restaurant seem approachable.

Therefore, when executives share snippets of success stories or fun incidents, they are indirectly promoting their brand. People prefer subtlety and lightheartedness; therefore, a restaurant generating customer friendly vibes will undoubtedly sell more.

  • Communicate with your customers!

Try being playful, saying you have a cake shop, then, question your customers on potential flavors they would like in the catalogue. You can also go live and show them how you’re patisserie work.

Most importantly, reply to their reviews and ask them about what works and what not. Besides, the most popular way to generate substantial customers is to feature them.

For e.g.  You can take a screen shot of a positive review with the customer’s name and post it on your grid, or just re-post a picture of them savoring your chocolate brownies.

  • Having a promo page!

Your business account, in this case. Use your page wisely, post relevant hash tags, and attractive images. Use your camera to perfection, try blending in aesthetics.

You can check out various popular food blogger’s pages to gather ideas, or take the assistance of any digital marketing agency to formulate policies to drag in customers.

A few points to note when promoting-

  • Feature shoutout
  • Use publicity videos
  • re-post as needed
  • Give discounts and offers
  • Host special occasions, bring in some popular faces
  • Rent your restaurant out for occasions
  • Host ladies nights (for pubs)

Apart from the above mentioned points you need to maintain an innovative approach to further make your restaurant business well known amongst masses.

Therefore, let’s see some innovative Instagram marketing trends which have made many restaurant businesses reach the skyline today!

Popular Innovative Instagram Marketing Trends Undertaken By Restaurant Businesses!

  1. Convenient deliveries

Most people today, are busy surfing social media platforms. Moreover, many a time’s youths prefer at-home parties and opt for online food delivery. Therefore, one way to get customers to acknowledge your eatery is to introduce convenient deliveries.

Apart from promoting your eatery with quintessential food pictures or interesting facts about your brand, mention delivery services too.  When millennials place orders from you then can take liking to your menus and spread a word, promoting your business.

  1. Be social

You can try experimenting with menus, and invite selected loyal customers to give it a first try. Thus, devise effective marketing policies and promote your campaigns or ideas online.

Most importantly, don’t make your profile look dull, add themes and post consistently. Remember, popular diners or cafes, don’t just blankly share and post. Include numerous activities like contests or events to keep your followers scrolling your feed.

  1. Use captions that sell!

In order to market your restaurant business successfully over Instagram, you need to have an excellent grasp on your caption game. The caption is your headline, so generate ornamental words, hitting the senses of food lovers.

Additionally, by using strategies that cater to visual stimulation, and proper taglines, half of your work is done.

Added info- One, major way to grab the attention of your followers is uploading the picture of your eatery. Firstly, showcase your artistic décor, secondly, upload aesthetically pleasing images.

The reason being, people today prefer eating with experiences. Therefore, good ambience with visually stimulating food will naturally cater to making your restaurant a favorite amongst social bloggers and trend setters.

  • Sell experiences

People these days love experiences more than products. Naturally, good products will call out customers. Nonetheless, concepts like family dinners, trying new cuisines; or simply captioning a cocktail picture with the ambience of the restaurant can stimulate new followers to try your eatery.

Now, that you have a clearer concept on the innovative ways to promote your restaurant over Instagram, let’s review some FAQ-

Q.1 what are the best digital marketing tactics to use for bistro promotion online?

The best possible tactics to promoting your restaurant business online are as follows-

  • Personalize your page( refer to innovative Instagram marketing tips)
  • More videos and stories
  • Paid advertising
  • Offer one plus one bargains
  • host shout outs and features
  • Provide free samples

Q.2 how many times should I post on Instagram?

If you’re promoting your restaurant, a minimum of 1-2 posts a day will suffice. Try posting around early morning or night. For mid-day around 2.00 pm is a good time to connect with potential customers.

Q.3 what sort of innovative techniques can I implement to make my profile click worthy?

Well, there are endless themes to choose from and innovations are entirely your own choice. However, if you’re looking to make your profile attractive, then use-

  • Proper lighting for taking food pictures
  • Use kitchen paraphilia as props in images
  • Add texture effects
  • Use Instagram filters appropriately
  • Apply the rule of thirds
  • Be colorful

Now, coming to the end of the discussion, you too can make your restaurant business reach new heights by simply practicing the above mentioned trends. However, be original in your approach.

Remember, one clever use of innovative campaign and you’re restaurant can become the next new hot topic amongst food bloggers and enthusiasts.  Now, happy marketing!

Again, thanks to Buzzoid for this post and do check them out if you’re looking for instagram followers, likes and views!

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Barry Allen
<p>I got help with my site rankings from Sitka~Alaska. The team worked with me in making changes to the site as per the project requirements. I even got help with site development at places I wasn't able to do.</p>
Benny Costa
<p>I am glad to have made the choice of choosing Sitka. They were very cooperative and helpful with campaign modifications I requested.</p>
Katherine Sayers
<p>I received tips to better my social media accounts even before we had started the campaign. Team Sitka was very involved in the project and they cared how my accounts fared online.</p>
Karen White
<p>I am impressed with the work done. Not only they delivered great results with the ad campaigns they also revamped my existing ads for better conversion.</p>