partnering to bring justice to victims of grave crimes, wherever they live

Stand with Victims of Atrocity Crimes

Victims and survivors of grave crimes should have access to justice wherever they live. Partners in Justice International (PJI) works to make this vision a reality by partnering with local justice actors to challenge impunity for atrocity crimes, advance justice for victims where they live, and build resilience to sustain peace and democracy long term.

If you believe justice should be accessible and effective for all victims and survivors of grave crimes wherever they live, then please—join us by making a tax-deductible contribution today.

We are grateful for your support.

What People Say About Us

“Collaboration with Partners in Justice International is a cornerstone of UN Women’s work on Conflict Related Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Kosovo.”

Flora Macula, Head of Office, UN WOMEN, Kosovo

“The PJI Legal Team is a CHAMPION of sexual violence survivors”.

Jaqy Mutere, Executive Director, Grace Agenda, Kenya

“We rely on the ongoing support of PJI in continuing to bring justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity which is so long overdue.”

Drita Hajdari, Head, International Crimes Unit, Special Prosecutor Republic of Kosovo