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Elevate Inner Wellness, Enhance Outer Glow.

Are you tired of looking worn out and want your skin to radiate a youthful glow? Have anxiety and sleep issues been a constant concern for you?

Earthshine Wellness, in partnership with the ancient healing art of acupuncture rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, offers you the perfect solution. Our holistic sessions not only rebalance your inner health but also help you to radiate a healthy glow from within.

a women is having a relaxing cosmetic acupuncture session with facial gua sha
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Holistic Beauty & Wellness Studio in
Brea, CA

Orange County Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment

Relieve Stress, Harmonize Hormones, Discover Inner Peace

Rebalance your body &

Get you back to feeling your best self :

  • Reduce Anxiety & Stress

  • Improve Sleep

  • Hormone Balance 

  • Headache and Migraine Relief

  • Chronic Pain 

  • Boost Immunity

  • Improve Digestive Health

  • Weight Management

women relieve stress and hormones balance inner peace
face rejuvenation with cosmetic acupuncture natural non invasive

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles, Embrace Youthfulness:
All Natural, Non Invasive.

Naturally help the skin look younger, smoother, and all-around healthier:

  • Anti-Aging

  • Brighter Complexion

  • Increase Collagen Production

  • Tone Facial Muscles

  • Soften Lines & Wrinkles

  • Improve Skin Elasticity

  • Eliminated Acne

  • Reduce Skin Inflammation

Conceive naturally, support you from Pregnancy to Postpartum

Together, we support and strive to achieve optimal women's health:

  • PMS symptoms

  • Fertility support

  • Pregnancy back pain, pelvic discomfort, morning sickness.

  • Postpartum care

  • Menopause 

conceive naturally fertility support and postpartum care
My clients say...
client say glowing in skin with acupuncture

Lucy K.

After 1 session, immediately glowing with tighter, brighter skin! The needles were painless, and Loella had an all-inclusive care package that I never could've imagined.

Meet Loella

The Acupuncturist

Say goodbye to stress, wave goodbye to women's health issues, embrace better digestion, and welcome the beauty sleep you've been dreaming of.

Loella, a dedicated licensed acupuncturist with a profound focus on women's health, has left an indelible mark on her patients' lives. Her expertise has not only helped them enhance their sleep quality and reduce anxiety but has also empowered them to face each day with an improved sense of well-being.

Loella's deep understanding of the various health challenges women encounter, along with her personal journey and unwavering commitment to Traditional Chinese Medicine, make her a beacon of hope for those seeking natural and effective solutions.

With Loella by your side, you can embark on a transformative path to holistic well-being, discover the wisdom of ancient practices, and rediscover your vitality. Let us guide you on your journey to a healthier and happier life.

Loella Hsu the acupuncturist

Book an appointment

Take the first step towards your well-being journey – schedule your appointment now.

Where to Find Us

520 E Lambert Rd, Brea, CA 92821

Mon - Fri:  10:30am - 4:30pm
​​Saturday: 10am - 2pm
​Sunday: 10am - 2pm

By Appointment Only


520 E Lambert Rd, Brea, CA 92821

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