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IVMS Early Childhood Program - Full Day Preschool

IVMS Early Childhood Program - Full Day Preschool The American Montessori Society says: "Choosing a Montessori environment for your child has many benefits. Known for individually paced learning and fostering independence, the Montessori Method also encourages empathy, a passion for social justice, and a joy in lifelong learning.

Given the freedom and support to question, to probe deeply, and to make connections, Montessori students become confident, enthusiastic, self-directed learners. They are able to think critically, work collaboratively, and act boldly—a skill set for the 21st century."

Montessori education is often described as learning through play. The classrooms are carefully laid out with attractive materials that each reinforce or practice a skill. Children have freedom, within limits, to choose what lessons most interest them as they feed their natural curiosity and build a life long desire to learn.

Applications for the 24/25 School year are now being accepted.

Visit our Early Childhood Education pages for more information! www.islandvillage.org/earlychildhood
Tuition FREE Kindergarten - 8th Grade Montessori Education

Tuition FREE Kindergarten - 8th Grade Montessori Education Island Village Montessori School is Sarasota County's ONLY tuition FREE Kindergarten - 8th Grade Montessori Charter School. Families wishing to enroll for the 24/25 school year should submit their Letter of Intent as soon as possible. Letters of Intent are continuously accepted for ALL grade levels but space is limited. Enrollment is offered based on space available at the desired grade level. www.IslandVillage.org/LetterOfIntent

Montessori education creates life long learners and focuses on the development of the whole child. The Montessori method fosters independence and gives the child freedom, within established parameters, to question, discover and navigate through their learning experience. Multi-age learning environments, hands on and project based learning engage their natural curiosity, creativity and encourage collaboration. The Montessori focus on citizenship, accountability, and peace sees students grow up to be confident, enthusiastic, and self-directed learners and citizens, accountable to both themselves and their community.

In addition to the academic lessons, Elementary students rotate between a variety of specials including Art, Drama, PE, Foreign Language & Music classes. Middle School students have a wide selection of elective classes to choose from each semester ranging from musical instruments, 2-D & 3-D art, dance, foreign language, PE, photography, technology and so much more.

With affordability in mind after school enrichment clubs offer a fun extension to the school day and on-site after school care is available until 5:30pm daily.

Convenient bus stops throughout North and South Sarasota County offer reliable transportation for families who live or work in the cities outside of the Venice area.

Contact us for a Campus Tour or if you have questions regarding our school!! Click on the Admissions Tab to find the Letter of Intent form and Campus Tour request form!
Preventing the "Summer Slide" with FUN summer learning!

Preventing the "Summer Slide" with FUN summer learning! According to Oxford Learning all students experience some degree of learning loss over the summer. Their website states that some students can lose as much as 2.6 months of math skills and reading skills can decline by about the equivalent of two months. This summer learning loss can be recognized as early as first grade!
When school resumes each fall some educators may spend up to six weeks reviewing past material to make up for summer learning loss.
This is commonly referred to as the “Summer Slide”. The good news is that the summer brain drain is completely preventable! Whether your child is in elementary or heading to high school, fun and engaging summer learning helps students succeed.
Families can utilize a variety of community resources and fun activities to keep learning during the break. IVMS has many helpful websites posted on our “Student Links” page and below is a list of great ideas to consider.
- Cooking together. Cooking encourages children's thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It also allows children the opportunity to use the knowledge they have and apply it by counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions, and cause and effect.

- Gardening. Caring for and growing plants teaches responsibility, creativity and cause & effect. It opens discussions about nutrition, health & wellness and builds self-confidence when they get to see their plants bloom or produce an edible treat!

- Look up and learn about interesting shells, rocks, plants & other items found in nature around you either at home or on vacation.

- Take your child to a library or bookstore. Help them find a series they are interested in. Starting on a book series is a way to engage your child in a set of adventures centered around the same character. Let them choose books that hold their interest. Many libraries have summer events and reading programs for various ages.

- Family Game Night. Playing games teaches children to wait their turn, lose gracefully, strategize, follow sequences and rules. Game night is a valuable learning tool. Games like Yahtzee encourage math skills, and many games have cards to read.

- Count a piggy bank or money in your wallet. Encourage them to complete designated tasks to earn, save and even budget for a special purchase.

- Children should clean out and organize their space. Toys, stuffies, school work, books, clothes, mementos, games can be organized by the child in a way that makes sense to them.

- Visit a local art or history museum. Many local attractions have reduced fee or free events for local families on specific dates. Museums for All provides free or reduced entry fees to a variety of museums in multiple states to families who receive EBT benefits.

- Practice writing by sending letters and postcards to family, friends or even their favorite author or character. Write a short story or a play. Create a new alternate ending or side story for their favorite book character. Families with younger children can find free printable worksheets on the Summer Bridge website or purchase inexpensive workbooks from the dollar store.

- Look for volunteer opportunities. Many local charities have volunteer opportunities for kids. All Faiths Food Bank, Cat Depot, Teen Court of Sarasota are just a few who have opportunities for teens and tweens.

- DIY projects. Follow along with a tutorial or start from a craft kit to build, assemble or create fun usable or wearable projects! Encourage creativity, self-expression, critical thinking, problem solving, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills.

Resources and Links:

FREE Family Fun!
Mondays at the Ringling: https://www.visitsarasota.com/deals/free-admission-grounds-museum-art-mondays
Required Summer Reading Projects - Students entering Grades 4th - 8th

Required Summer Reading Projects - Students entering Grades 4th - 8th All IVMS students entering Grades 4 - 8 will have a project due in August 2024 based on the book assigned to their 24/25 grade level. Students may choose any project type from the list attached to this post but it must be based on their required book. Book lists and summaries are also attached.

4th Grade - Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing, By: Judy Blume
5th Grade - Island of the Blue Dolphin, By: Scott O'Dell
6th Grade - Hatchet, By: Gary Paulson
7th Grade - Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois
8th Grade - The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Completed projects are due by August 30th
Who to Contact - SAVE THIS INFO!!

Who to Contact - SAVE THIS INFO!! Ensuring your messages reach the right people is important. Please save this helpful list for future reference!

- For Bus, Student Dismissal Changes, and Early Pick-up related questions or notifications: dismissal@islandvillage.org

- For Enrichment Clubs and After Care related questions: AfterSchool@islandvillage.org

- For Student Enrollment, Updates to Student or Parent/Guardian contact info and Parent Portal related questions or notifications: Registrar@islandvillage.org

- To report an absence: www.islandvillage.org/studentabsence

- To find an email address for your child's educators please visit the Classroom page found under the Academics Tab and click on the appropriate teacher(s) name. Please reach out to the educators directly for all classwork related inquiries.

- To reach Administrators, ESE, Guidance, etc; please see the staff directory under the Contact Us tab to select the specific staff member you need to reach.

- For general school related questions: info@islandvillage.org

Important Note: Student safety is our priority. Notifications about early pick-ups and changes to the way a child should go home can only be accepted from a parent or legal guardian. Student early pick-ups need to be completed before 2:30pm to avoid interfering with scheduled dismissal activities. Parents/Guardians arriving after that time may be directed to the car-line for student pick-up. Please be prepared to show photo ID when picking up a child from the front office. Changes to the way a student normally goes home need to be communicated to the school as soon as possible and should be emailed in no later than 2:30pm of the same day to ensure that all appropriate staff members have been notified.
Scholastic Book Fair - May 13th-17th

Scholastic Book Fair - May 13th-17th The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to IVMS the week of May 13th. Visit the IVMS Scholastic page to set up your child's cashless wallet and browse the offerings online. Support our school and stock up for summer reading!

April 22nd - EARTH DAY

April 22nd - EARTH DAY “The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the earth.” – Dr. Maria Montessori

National Geographic describes Earth Day as, “an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations.”

Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. An estimated 20 million people across the US participated in the event that highlighted the importance of environmental conservation. The movement built support for legislation such as the Clean Air Act (updated in 1970) and the Endangered Species Act (1973).

Since then, Earth Day has evolved into the largest civic event on Earth, encouraging billions across nearly 200 countries to safeguard our planet and fight for a brighter future. (Earthday.org)

There are so many fun and interesting activities to do with your children to appreciate nature and to help protect Earth and its resources. Your family can:
• plant a container herb garden.
• consider saving food scraps for composting.
• sprout seeds for eating.
• visit a local farmers' market. (Eating seasonal, local foods means fewer miles traveled, and less energy used to preserve and deliver food.)
• go for nature walks and pick up trash.
• read books about protecting Earth, such as 10 Things I Can Do to Help My World.
• save a tree by using dishtowels and cloth napkins instead of paper products.
• cook a one-pot meal together: stews, soups and casseroles use less energy.
• experiment with using vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda as natural cleaning products.
• create art projects together from natural and recycled materials (such as a pine cone bird feeder).
• make a worm box.
• learn about house plants such as English ivy, bamboo palm, ferns, and spider plants that reduce indoor toxins. (English ivy can even reduce mold!)
• keep a conservation diary for a week, noting when someone in the family
- turns off lights,
- walks instead of driving the car,
- takes a shorter shower,
- turns off the TV and plays outside.
Be the One - 2024 Giving Challenge

Be the One - 2024 Giving Challenge The 2024 Giving Challenge will be open from noon on April 9th to noon April 10th. For 24hrs every donation made to IVMS through the givingchallenge.org between $25 - $100 will be DOUBLED by the Patterson Foundation. Will you Be the One to help us reach our goal?

Island Village Montessori School's goal for The Giving Challenge this year is to raise $50,000.to purchase bleachers and other equipment to enhance our brand new Lido PE Pavilion. Be the One to help make this a reality. Donate April 9-10, noon to noon. Go to www.givingchallenge.org and click Search Participating Organizations. Type in Island Village Montessori School and it will load the link. You can donate using a debit or credit card. Donations are 100% tax deductible!!
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What is IVMS?

Island Village (a 501c3 non-profit corporation) is a tuition-free public charter school for students in grades K-8 located  in Venice, Florida. Based on the constructivist philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori, Island Village is a safe and stimulating place to learn, incorporating today's technology in a nurturing environment where every student is celebrated as an individual and encouraged to reach their fullest potential.

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