Freedom From Past Trauma:

Carrying the weight of past trauma can be challenging, exhausting, and confusing.   On the outside, you are doing the best you can, trying hard to hold it all together for your children, your spouse, and work, but on the inside, you just want to scream, yell, fight, run, or simply shut down.

You don’t know how other people seem to move through life so easily.  They seem to have it all figured out.  “What is wrong with me?” you might ask yourself. 

You get frustrated with yourself for “not being better, stronger, or more successful” and might even hear an inner voice that tells you that you are worthless, no good, or broken in some way.

At night you run through past scenarios trying to figure out a way to have done things better. “If only you (blank), you wouldn’t be in this mess”. Your thoughts race and you feel like you are being pulled in many different directions.

Sometimes you feel numb, disconnected from those around you, just trying to survive another day. 

You have been feeling this way for a long time and are ready to find some answers and make a real change in life.  

If this sounds familiar, I have great news, you have come to the right place… And, there is nothing “wrong” with you.  How can I know this, without having met you?  These symptoms you are feeling are very normal responses to what you have been through. 

Our body holds on to trauma from long ago and shows up as symptoms of anxiety, depression, anger, and even physical symptoms such as migraine headaches, muscle tension, and digestive issues.

EMDR and Somatic therapy are proven ways to help regulate the central nervous system, process past trauma, and bring the mind and body back into balance.  I have helped hundreds of clients work through past trauma and find a new sense of peace that they never knew was possible. 

Many people have the misconception that healing from past trauma will take years in therapy.  However, I do not want to waste your time or money by asking you “… how does that make you feel?” or beating around the bush.  I take a very proactive approach to moving the healing process forward in a safe yet efficient way.  Every session will be focused on preparing you and then moving toward healing from past traumatic events.   I know you do not want to waste time or money “chit-chatting” with your therapist; you can do that with your friends, but in therapy, our goals are specific and focused on healing and moving forward.  

Please contact me to schedule a free initial consultation.

(480) 227-6440     |     Send Email

I look forward to helping you make the first step toward your well-being.

“If you are lucky enough to find Peter and are open to therapy… I swear he will change your life or at least your outlook on it! Thanks Peter!”

– Past Client

The Benefits of Therapy

Psychotherapy can be an effective tool in providing you with the necessary support and training to overcome the challenges you face. By seeking therapy, you are taking responsibility and action to change what no longer works in your life.

Many studies have shown throughout the years that psychotherapy is an effective form of treating and managing mental illnesses and other emotional disorders.

As an experienced licensed professional counselor, it is my honor to assist you in exploring your core issues and moving toward a healthy, fulfilling life. Utilizing a variety of approaches including Cognitive/Cognitive-Behavioral, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, EMDR, and Internal Family Systems, I will work with you to create a treatment plan that is customized to meet your unique circumstances and bring relief quickly and effectively.

With honesty and compassion, I will work with you to create an open channel of communication. The goal of our therapy sessions together will be to help you develop the mental fortitude needed to lead a successful life. Additionally, we will work on the skill of self-compassion, which will allow you to move more easily through difficult times in the future, as well as become a more productive and happier person.

“You helped me develop the tools to handle life when things get tough. I am eternally grateful for the time, work and effort you put into my well-being. I would not hesitate to recommend you to others”

– Past Client