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No Baloney.
Just The Best Home Inspectors In Kansas City Doing Your Home Inspection Right the First Time. Guaranteed.

+ FREE termite inspection with every package ($85 value)

“I will never ever use a different home inspector…” – B. Abbott, Lathrop, MO.

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Home Inspectors Are NOT Created Equal

bulldog with arms crossed - reason #1 - experience


Your home will get inspected by the owner, NOT an amateur, apprentice, or employee. This is a real master home Inspector who has personally uncovered tens-of-thousands of defects in 15,000+ homes since 2003.

bulldog with headset on - reason #2 - service


When you schedule your home inspection, you will speak to the owner. This means fast, friendly, honest, and direct answers straight from the source. He’ll also do his best to schedule your home inspection when it works best for you.

bulldog with magnifying glass on house - reason #3 - dedication


Our MaxInspect™ process inspects your home right the first time while your home inspection report will not only be easy-to-read and filled with photos, it answers 10 key questions every report must ask and will be ready to read later that day.

bulldog on the phone - reason #4 - follow-up


You’ll get a quick phone call a couple of days after your home inspection to make sure you received your home inspection report as promised, answer any new questions you might have, and ensure you are thrilled with the service you received.

Here’s How It Works

# 1 - choose


Choose one of our home inspection packages below. Click the button and the next page will explain the details, show you what’s included, and let you choose the services that best fit your needs.

#2 - schedule


Contact us to schedule your home inspection. If you’re up against a deadline, the sooner you let us know, the better. This gives us a better chance of getting it done on the day and time that works best for you.

#3 - inspect


Try to attend. A home inspection uncovers alot of information and we’ll discuss the major areas when it’s over. Then we’ll answer your questions and deliver your inspection report later that same day.

Our Home Inspection Packages & Prices





*under 1499 ft2





*under 1499 ft2





*under 1499 ft2





*under 1499 ft2





*any size

New and Confused?
Take Our 3-Question Quiz

The Best Home Inspectors in Kansas City

Call Us for an exhaustive home inspection performed BY THE OWNER who is a Certified Master Inspector® and has personally uncovered tens-of-thousands of defects in 15,000+ Kansas City area homes since 2003.

“Truth is, you don’t NEED the best home inspector Kansas City when a house is in great shape. You can call anyone for that. But when things go wrong, doubt creeps in, and the prospect of losing the home is real, you’ll want someone who stays calm, understands the issues, knows your options, and can help you see the big picture – and that ONLY comes with experience.”

From our 100% inspection to our easy-to-understand same-day report.

Or from our wrap-up discussion to our follow-up call, we’ve designed a home inspection business that gives you REAL answers as soon as it’s over.

First, we check roughly 2000 items in and around the home. This includes 100% of the items we can see, touch, and test. 

Then when it’s over, we’ll use direct, honest, and plain language to share what we found while focusing on the 5 most important areas of the home. 

This is when we answer your questions, address your concerns, establish timelines, help you predict outcomes, work out next steps, and even help you map out a strategy, so you not only understand what you’re buying, you know what to do next.

Finally, you’ll get an easy-to-understand home inspection report later that day full of enhanced photos to help you see the issues with your own eyes. Inside, each comment will ask 10 key questions hand-picked to help you understand just how concerned you should be.

Your home inspection will be smooth like butta🧈.

sample home inspection reports

So, if you’re shopping for prices because you’ve been MISLED into believing all Kansas City home inspectors are the same, trust me when I say…

Home Inspection Companies Are NOT Created Equal.

In fact, this next piece of wisdom can save you from one of the most expensive mistakes you can make when buying a home:

Do NOT use cheap Kansas City home inspectors.

That’s because a cheap home inspection Kansas City KS. will not only confuse you into thinking a small problem is big, they’ll also be the ones to waste your money by scaring you away from a perfectly good home that could be great with just a little bit of work.

And because the odds of a poor or inexperienced home inspector overlooking or misunderstanding a major defect (even minor ones) is inherently high.

And because they’re the ONLY ones offering low prices.

This is how cheap local home inspectors end up COSTING you time, stress, frustration, and disappointment along with money.

Especially when 60% of NEW home inspectors quit within 12 months, and 80% of ALL local home inspectors do amateur work.  Harsh, but true.

This means any savings you get upfront might end up costing YOU thousands down the road.

That’s a big gamble on a 5, 6, or 7-figure investment.

But the other 20% have the chops to do it right the first time.

We see what others can’t, find what the others miss, and understand things they don’t.

It’s a quality and peace-of-mind that ONLY comes with years of experience and dedication.

And I’ve been working my tail off since 2003 to get better every year:

I DON’T do it part-time

I DON’T do it on the weekends

I DON’T do it for the money

And I DON’T do it because it’s easy (it’s not)

In other words, I don’t take my work lightly.

This is why I can protect you from NASTY SURPRISES AND MONEY PITS just as well as I can help you negotiate a major price drop

You will NOT find a more honest, trustworthy, and transparent home inspection business anywhere.

So, if you take your next home seriously and want to work with Kansas City MO. home inspectors who know exactly how to find – and explain – the issues that matter MOST, contact us now.

Because the moral of the story? You get what you pay for.

Meet Steve – Your Home Inspector

Steve Rodriguez - your certified master inspector

Steve Rodriguez, CMI®


Award-Winning local Certified Master Inspector® Steve Rodriguez explains the Bulldog difference:

“There’s more to a home inspection than just checking for problems. It’s also about communicating those problems in a way YOU understand.

And not just today. Your home inspection report should be easy to understand for years to come.”


The Ultimate Consumer Guide To Home Inspections – FREE

New For 2023

113 Frequently Asked Home Inspection Questions

Will you walk on the roof? p. 52

Should I test for radon gas if my house is brand new? p. 110

+ many more

5 Things To Know Before Your Home Inspection

Steve looking at a house thinking about the 5 things you should know

A professional home inspection is not always the most straightforward part of the home buying process.

So, it’s pretty common for a little mystery and confusion to creep in as you’re shopping around.

This can bring up questions like…

  • Why Are the prices so different?
  • Can I be there?
  • What happens if something gets missed?

Let’s clear the smoke.

#1 Home Inspectors Cannot See Through Walls

#1 - Home inspectors cannot see through walls

You might have hopes for x-ray vision to help me see inside walls, under floors, above ceilings, and behind storage items.

I’d want me to have that, too, if I were you.

Because it’s the things we can’t see that scare us.

In fact, if I could choose a superpower, X-ray vision would be my second choice.

Talk about cornering the market.  No other home inspector would stand a chance (even with an IR camera).

Unfortunately, it’s not possible.

Fortunately, our 15,000+ inspections go us to where we can spot inconsistencies and hidden issues like an eagle spots a field mouse. 

Plus, all of our home inspections are guaranteed.

#2 Good Home Inspections Are Not Cheap

#2 - A good home inspector is not cheap

Because home inspections are NOT created equal.

Since 2003, I’ve personally inspected over 14,000 homes. I’ve also spent that time improving my home inspection service to avoid the same mistakes other home inspectors make.

That’s why we’re better this year than we were last year.

Or the year before. Or the year before that.

But we’re NOT JUST experienced or obsessed with improvement.


Not for the sake of being different. Think ‘better’.

For example, most home inspection companies check around 400 items.

Our MaxInspect™ System, not only helps us check 100% of the items we can see, touch, and access (about 2000 in the average home), we’ve also created a process that uses gravity to help us track structural cracks and water damage to their source so we can understand the full impact these issues have on the home.

But we do more. We also know WHERE, WHEN, AND HOW to find Mystery Glitches™. These are the annoying electrical mishaps you usually find AFTER you move in that happen when someone somewhere wasn’t paying attention and did it wrong.

And we can’t forget about all the invisible missing items throughout a home that should be there but aren’t. Don’t worry, we’ll find them.

These details give you maximum clarity, maximum leverage, and maximum confidence during negotiations and after you move in.


I’m talking about a 69-year old San Francisco hippie who saw the Rolling Stones play at the Altamont Speedway in 1969.

That’s why we developed the 10Key™ Comment Method for explaining defects. These are the same questions we ask ourselves and the same questions EVERY report MUST answer if you REALLY want to understand what’s happening to your home.

But we aren’t just detailed, we also explain our findings and write our reports on a 5th-grade level. Not because we don’t think you’ll understand. It’s because things are easier when they’re simple.

You get the information you need – when you need it – quickly and simply and delivered the same day.

Very few home inspectors have the experience or skill to do this.

And no one else does because it’s not taught. That’s why most people THINK home inspectors are all the same. And MOST are.

But that’s not how Bulldog does it. We imagined better and knew we could do better, so we did.

No matter who sees your report or when – it will be just as clear in 10 years as it is today.


Alot of home buying homework happens at night so we’ll always respond to your emails and messages AFTER normal working hours.

We’ll also give you a quick follow-up call after your home inspection to make sure you got the report without any problem, answer any last-minute questions, and make sure you’re happy with our service.

#3 Home Inspectors Are Not Psychic

#3 - Home inspectors are not psychic

Unfortunately, I can’t predict the future.

And as much as I want to, it’s not possible (this superpower would be my first choice).

I’ll never be able to tell you if something will break, leak, or crack in the next hour let alone the next week, month, or year.

I wish I could, but I can’t.  No one can.

I can only see what’s happening now and use the past to anticipate future problems.

That’s why it’s imperative for all the utilities to be on in a vacant home BEFORE your home inspection.

Thankfully, it’s not all doom and gloom.

Because we have tons of experience and take your home inspection very seriously.

So, if something pops up or falls through the cracks, we’ll work together to find a solution.

#4 Even The Best Home Inspector Is Not Perfect

#4 - Even the best home inspector is not perfect

This shouldn’t be a surprise.

Shoot, professional baseball players make millions and only get it right 25% of the time. 

Sometimes I run late and sometimes things get overlooked, information gets misunderstood, and people get upset.

But I’m proud to report I’ve paid my dues many times over:

In fact,

Q: What do you get when you cross a new home inspector with a garage door opener and a 12-pack of soda?”

A:  Red faced, a big sticky mess, and broken garage door opener.(4)

And those are the types of mistakes you’ve gotta survive to become great at something.

But I do not take them lightly.

So, if something is my fault, I’ll take responsibility and work toward a fair solution. 

Avoid home inspectors who sounds too good to be true or don’t embrace mistakes because you don’t want to be on the receiving end when it happens.

#5 Please Let Us Know If There’s A Problem

#5 - If there's a problem, please let us know first

There’s NOTHING worse than learning about a problem through a bad review – or another person.

Because it doesn’t give us a chance to make it right.

You see, NO MATTER how experienced the home inspector, how thorough the home inspection, how careful they are, or how clear they explain things, something will EVENTUALLY go wrong.

There are just too many distractions, limitations, obstructions, and other variables during a three-hour home inspection that keep it from going perfectly EVERY time.

So, if something goes wrong after your home inspection, don’t forget that your home inspector is only human and did the best they could while they were there.

30 Min. DIY Home Inspection Checklist – Only $18.99

Check the Bones YOURSELF While You Tour the Home.

This straightforward field guide is based on our Major-Items Inspection and focuses ONLY on the bones. It shows you:

  1. WHERE to look
  2. WHAT to look for
  3. WHAT it means

All in the time it takes to tour the home.

Let us help you decide if the home has good bones or is just a money pit in disguise BEFORE you make an offer and BEFORE you order your home inspection.

30 min. checklist cover
30 min. checklist inner pages

Created by a Certified Master Inspector™

13 Pages Fully Illustrated

Immediate PDF delivery + flipbook

Save time and hundreds – sometimes thousands – in wasted home inspection fees.

All in about 30 minutes

Use it over and over

Find out for yourself if there are major issues hiding in plain sight BEFORE the home inspection.

Why Did This Customer Choose Bulldog?

Tyler was a no-nonsense first-time homebuyer who interviewed other home inspectors before choosing us.

When it was over, we only asked him to answer 3 questions:

1. What dId you think about our service?
2. Which services did you order?
3. Would you recommend us to others?

This is what he said…

YouTube video player

Free Gifts With Every Home Inspection

building materials lifespan guide 2023

Building Materials Lifespan – New for 2023

From adhesives to swimming pools. Find out how long 300+ materials inside your home last so you’re never off guard. – $17.99 value

cost estimates guide 2023

Cost Estimates Guide – New for 2023

From sod to septic systems. Get a head start on how much maintenance items cost so you’re not taken to the bank when it breaks. – $19.99 value

home maintenance guide for dummies

Home Maintenance for Dummies – 2nd Ed.

If you’re here, I know you’re no dummy, but you might be a little cuckoo if you don’t crack this open when it’s time to make repairs around the house. – $17 value

Frequently Asked Questions

The average full 2000-item full home inspection takes 2.5-3 hours.

A major-items home inspection takes about an hour.

Your home inspection report will always be ready the same day and gets delivered after payment is made.

The answer depends on what you want and need.

Full MaxInspect™ 2000-item inspection: This is for anyone who wants to know all the details of all items in and around the home.  This is what most people think of when they picture a home inspection.

5-point major-items home inspection: This is for anyone who is ONLY interested in the bones.  It overlooks the lighter areas and focuses exclusively on:

  1. Foundation
  2. Plumbing
  3. Roof
  4. Electrical System
  5. HVAC System

Click here to compare home inspections.

We accept:

  1. Visa
  2. Mastercard
  3. Check
  4. Money order
  5. Cash

Yes, of course.

A successful home inspection depends on your level of understanding not will not only increase your level of understanding, it will reduce help you make better decisions later.

Yes. I encourage you to do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

But keep in mind that distractions (including loud nearby conversations) will interfere with concentration and thus diminish the quality of the very service you’re investing in me to provide.


  1. Bring your questions.
  2. Send your home inspector any key information or special requests BEFORE your home inspection.
  3. Know your budget and expectations for the home.
  4. Keep your emotions in check. It’s still too soon to be attached.
  5. Try to attend.  There’s nothing better than hearing and seeing the outcome firsthand.
  6. Hold your questions until the end and don’t distract your home inspector while he’s working. You’re free to follow and observe, but questions and loud conversations within earshot are distracting. All your questions will get answered when it’s over.
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