Happy Vegan Blog

Learn how to go vegan the healthy way

healthy vegan blog

happy vegan blog
Optimal health

Clean your body and prolong your healthy life

happy vegan blog
Life without limits

Fuel your body and achieve your optimal performance

happy vegan blog
Consistent energy and a calm mind

Increase your mental capabilities and life energy

Health starts with what you eat

You won’t find recipes here. This vegan blog explains the role of our food choices, what different foods do in our bodies, and what our bodies need. The topics covered here will give you a good understanding on how to feed your body to achieve optimal health and vitality.

Congratulations on deciding to go vegan!

It’s one of the most life-changing decisions you can ever make.

Many people feel confused about plant-based nutrition and it’s not about personal responsibility or failure. The problem is that there’s a lack of credible information about vegan lifestyle in the media. Meanwhile, myths about the safety of vegan diets keep growing, deterring prospective vegans.

There’s a widely-held perception that the plant-based diet is complicated and too difficult to follow. What is more, it’s important to remember that a lot of what is written about the plant-based diet is written by omnivores who might not have deep knowledge about vegan lifestyle. This veganism blog aims to destigmatize and normalize the lifestyle, proving that a plant-based diet is a sustainable, accessible, healthful, and delicious choice. However, like any other diet, it requires some consideration and planning.

Make Healthy Change

Going vegan can seem challenging at first. From learning what to eat, how to make meals delicious, how to get all the nutrients you need, and so much more – it can all feel overwhelming. This blog provides lots of actionable tips on nutrition and health to help you find your path to a well-nourished life.

Need to treat yourself for a job well-done with all the wedding planning that you’ve been doing? Splurge on bridal boxes – a great way to reward yourself!

blog vegan healthy
healthy vegan food blogs

Nourish Yourself

There’s social stigma that vegans are unhealthy and suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Here you will find informative science-based guides on food, nutrition, and health delivered in a straightforward and compassionate way to address your concerns and help you go vegan with ease and confidence.

Embody Balance

Build balanced habits with ease, enjoy positive experience, and learn what works for your body and lifestyle. Learn how to take care of your mind and body so that you can really live your life to the full, not with a quick fix but with Nutrition for Life. My aim is for you to feel ‘really’ happy from the inside out.

vegan health blog

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food

As the number of vegans is growing, so too does the need for accurate information about plant-based diets and how to healthfully transition toward them. Many people transition to veganism without having a clear sense of what supplements and nutrients should be on their radar. However, not only those who are considering a plant-based lifestyle will benefit from this blog – people who are already following a plant-based diet will find a lot of valuable information on how to use it for healing and health.

Educate yourself

We will educate you with our research-based content and provide answers to your biggest questions.

Know yourself

We will show you what is happening inside your body during the transition process and teach you how to eat plant-based in harmony with your body’s needs.

Stay motivated

We will help you stay on track while changing your lifestyle to healthier habits with our motivational content.

Inspire others

Share your progress with others and motivate them to join you on your path towards the healthy lifestyle!

Discover the joy in eating and pursue health and wellbeing

When you eliminate all animal products from your diet, it is important to think carefully about how you will get some of the nutrients you might lose along with them. If you don’t replace these products with healthy options, you may find yourself with a lesser version of the same diet you were eating before. 

Many blogs give inspiration about going plant-based, but they don’t cover important topics like key nutrients or considerations in planning vegan diets. They focus on quick results like improved digestion or increased energy levels however they don’t teach you how to source your nutrients and sustain your lifestyle long-term. 

Another problem is that many vegan resources highlight the detrimental effects of animal products and stress the supremacy of plant foods. Nevertheless, meat and dairy products contain key nutrients, such as calcium, iron, and zinc and vegans need to find other ways of sourcing those nutrients. Despite the wealth of healthy nutrients and the confidence that our food choices don’t lead to animal suffering, vegans need to learn how to mix and match plant foods to ensure that they eat a nutritionally-complete diet.

Wherever you may be in your vegan journey, this plant-based blog provides step-by-step guidance to make going vegan easy, healthy and affordable, while striving to be objective and unbiased, and to present both sides of the argument.

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