Elevate your productivity with top U.S. Based Virtual Executive Assistants

At She's A Given, we specialize in delivering top-notch virtual administrative support by pairing U.S.-based executive assistants with business owners, executives, tech startups, nonprofits, and leadership teams. Whether you're looking for maternity leave coverage, temporary staffing, ongoing fractional support, or permanent hires, we've got you covered. Our goal is to provide seamless support tailored to your unique needs, so you can focus on what matters most.

She’s A Given Has Been Trusted By:

let’s reclaim your time!

Chances are, if you've landed here- you're a busy executive or business owner. Your day probably looks something like this:

  • Back-to-back meetings

  • Completing action items late into the night

  • Constantly refreshing your email

  • Responding to Slack pings and forgetting to track them

  • Losing hours managing your hectic calendar

Are we close? Let’s dig deeper:

  • You're always working, even during PTO, because the mountain of work awaiting your return is astronomical.

  • You’re in a constant cycle of checking 10 things off your list, only to add 20 more.

  • You’re completely mentally exhausted

You got into your line of work for a reason. You deserve to enjoy your job AND your life outside of work without feeling like you're sacrificing one for the other.

how she’s a given can help you

We understand your struggle. She’s A Given has helped hundreds of busy executives and business owners achieve true work/life harmony by taking administrative tasks off their plates. Our US-based executive assistants enable busy CEOs like you to rise out of the weeds, focus on complex problems, and move the needle in your business.

Emilie Given, a former executive assistant, has built a team of confident and competent virtual assistants to be your second set of hands. Imagine what you could accomplish with four hands and two brains!

It’s time to stop responding to emails at 9 p.m. trying to coordinate meetings. Go catch your kids’ gymnastics practice or school play without feeling stressed out about too much awaiting your return. We’ve got you!


the she’s a given difference

We hand-select experienced virtual executive assistants who are masters of the fine art of supporting c-level executives. Our virtual executive assistants are:

  • College educated

  • US-based

  • Experienced in corporate and remote settings

  • Members of The American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP)

All our assistants undergo thorough background checks, reference checks, and multiple interviews and assessments before joining our team. We understand the critical nature of the executive assistant/executive relationship, so we meticulously match based on personality, skillset, and availability to ensure a perfect fit.

Not sure what TO DELEGATE?


Our process

Discovery call

On our complimentary 30-minute discovery call, we’ll get to know your business and assess your needs for assistance.

Seattle Based Virtual Assistant & Event Planner


From there, we’ll match you with the ideal assistant based on skillset, availability, location, and—most importantly—personality! We’ll even set up an obligation-free fitting call to make sure it’s the right match for you.

Seattle Based Virtual Assistant & Event Planner


Once matched, we’ll hit the ground running with a kick-off call where you set up systems, share logins, and discuss methods and frequency of communication. From there, you and your assistant will work together directly.

Seattle Based Virtual Assistant & Event Planner

She’s A Given will support your relationship with your virtual assistant as needed. If there is turnover, we will work quickly to provide a suitable replacement.

kind words from our clients


“She's A Given is so amazing! I was at my wits end and [my assistant] just stepped in and made my work life better instantly. Great working relationship. I would recommend to anyone to give this company a try. You won't be sorry!”

-Sydney Isaac, IREM

Working with She's a Given has been a game changer for our Senior Leadership Team. [My assistant] not only schedules with ease and never skips a beat but also advises us on how to best maintain efficient and balanced calendars. We give her more and more responsibility each quarter!”

-Rosa Scheepers, Legalpad

“So, where do I even begin? I can't say enough great things about Emilie, Bill, [my assistant], and the entire She's A Given team! Wow! My only regret is that I didn't reach out sooner as my business has grown exponentially since working with [my assistant] and I've been able to secure dozens of copywriting and creative content contracts due to the amount of time and energy that [my assistant] has helped me to leverage and optimize. If you're looking for a virtual assistant to help transform your business and your life...JUST HIRE THEM!! They're the best at what they do and I'm eternally grateful for everything they've done ❤️🥂”

-Ken Cervera, Own Your Truth Podcast

Let’s kickstart your business

We’ll be with you every step of the way.