World #1 B2B Data Provider  Reach More, Sell More

Streamline your sales process and close deals efficiently with our curated, manually-verified company and contact information for active market prospects.

Trusted by 5,000+ Businesses Worldwide for their Prospecting Needs

Samsung logo
Redhat logo
Canon logo
Morneau Shepell
Amazon AWS
Sherwin Williams
The Ohio State University
Saint Gobain
Petersen Health Care
Harvard Medical School
White Glove Placement
Growth from knowledge

Execute Partnerships and Deals with Desired Customers

Whether you’re a recruiter, marketer, entrepreneur, or owner of a multi-million dollar business, we can help you reach your desired prospects directly by providing their company and contact information.

Here is our 3-step process of converting your prospects into paying customer

B2b Marketing Data Providers

Discover the Right Prospects for You

DataCaptive strives in delivering database that is the exact match of your requirement. We discover your business needs based on the target location, job title, industry, employee size and revenue.

Custom B2B Data Intelligence provider

Prospect for a Better Growth

Enhance your outreach with precision and relevance. Connect with key decision makers using our manually verified data fields. Dive deep into their requirements and captivate their interest by offering tailored solutions that align with their unique challenges.
B2B Prospecting Database

Seal the Best Deals with Potential Customers

Drive promising growth to your sales pipeline by converting leads into paying customers with our database that assures an accuracy of 95% and above. Transform leads into revenue generators with accurate data which gets updated once every 45 days!
Verified B2B Contact Database


Company Profiles




C-level Contacts


Phone Numbers

We Maintain the Best Standards of Privacy and Security



Your Victory Drives Ours!

Success of a PPE Manufacturing Business with Us

With our CFO and Hospital Procurement databases, the PPE Manufacturing Company witnessed 3X boost in leads in a week and made successful global connections with decision-makers in the healthcare industry.

How A PPE Manufacturing Company Generated 58+ Leads In A Week

Don't Go with What We Say! Hear it from Our Customers

Our active customer service, world-class technology stack, and talented data team make DataCaptive a preferred database provider to 5,000+ customers.

DCS review

Data Collaboration Service

” We are in the constant lookout of great quality company information to connect with prospects interested in our line of services”

Kenneth Walton

Kenneth Walton


Over 90% of our sales team uses DataCaptive. Find out why.

Kenneth Walton

Kenneth Walton

Data Collaboration Service

We are in the constant lookout of great quality company information to connect with prospects interested in our line of services
Rachel Lemieux

Rachel Lemieux

Manager, Demand Generation
Advice Media

A Wise Decision To Invest In DataCaptive
Leif Magnuson

Leif Magnuson

CEO & Founder

Continue Running Drip Campaigns With Their Lists

#1 Rated Sales Intelligence for any Company Size

Datarade-AI rating badges 4x
BBB Accredited Business Ratings of DataCaptive

Resources to Help you Navigate Dynamic World of B2B Marketing 

Download Resources from DataCaptive

B2B Templates Free to Download

Easily manage your marketing project with the help of our B2B marketing templates

Everything You Need to Know About a B2B Customer Journey

3 Drip Campaign Emails to Help You Achieve a 40% Open Rate

Data-driven Marketing Strategies and Solutions

Best Ways to Address B2B Customer Pain Points

Featured Guides

Featured Guides from DataCaptive

B2B Sales Funnel: A 101 Guide For Converting Leads 

Frequently Asked Questions

Our data experts gather data from credible sources like government directories, business journals, prestigious business conferences, premium tech-based seminars, webinars, podcasts, and many more. 

We validate our database just before delivery and at regular intervals of every 45 days. This differentiating factor sets us apart from the rest, as the average industry standard is 60-90 days. Every contact detail in our master database is highly accurate as we add them only after AI and manual checks to deliver the best results.

The best thing about our customizable B2B database is that no fixed price tags exist. It all depends upon the volume and the extent of customization. At DataCaptive, pay less as you buy more since we encourage bulk buying. You can also avail the benefit of testing our data by requesting free samples.

The most important content in a B2B database includes:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Job Department
  • Job Function
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Social Media Handles 
  • NPI
  • Company Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Industry Category
  • Website
  • Company Size
  • Revenue
  • SIC Code

You can also customize these fields based on your requirements with DataCaptive.

Yes, we do! With our B2B data solutions, we are always there to serve our customers 24*7 throughout the year. Our expert team of Business Developers and customer support are there to troubleshoot any issues. We provide complete support to our esteemed customers as their growth defines ours!

DataCaptive™ Inc.

DataCaptive offers cutting-edge data-driven services and insights to elevate marketing strategies for businesses worldwide. At DataCaptive, we deliver excellence through data that drive marketing efficiency & increase ROI, strengthening the communication channels between businesses and their customers across all industries.

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