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(307) 672-0785
Mon - Thur: 9AM - 4PM

Focusing on where you're going,
not where you've been.

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Harker Mellinger, LLC

Harker Mellinger, LLC is one of the leading firms in and throughout the area. By combining our expertise, experience and the team mentality of our staff, we assure that every client receives the close analysis and attention they deserve. Our dedication to high standards, hiring of seasoned tax professionals, and work ethic is the reason our client base returns year after year.

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We are your trusted advisor.

Our proactive approach and experience will help you feel confident and empowered in this often intimidating area, supporting you as you achieve your business goals.

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Please call us today at (307) 672-0785.

We're here to help you with your business and accounting needs, please fill out the form and let us know how we can be of service.

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