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Digital Experience

MPL is bringing you a whole new experience, the Digital Experience. Some items that you may have previously known as “Makerspace” items are now part

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Digital Resource of the Month

Digital Experience

MPL is bringing you a whole new experience, the Digital Experience. Some items that you may have previously known as “Makerspace” items are now part of the Digital Experience. As we expand our collections, we want to ensure our focus remains clear. We’ve got Hotspots and Chromebooks, Blu-Ray Players and projectors. And, we’re excited to announce the newest additions….video game consoles!!! We have added 4 Nintendo Switches, 1 PlayStation 5 & 1 Xbox X series


Collection Spotlight

Looking for a new hobby? Get started with our Adventure Packs! Adventure Packs are backpacks that contain gear for some fun activity such as star gazing, whittling, leather working and more! You can dip your feet into a new hobby without having to make a big time or money investment.

Minot Public Library

Pride Month

Daddy & Dada

"A little girl explains how families, including hers, come in many shapes and sizes--some with a mom and a dad, some with two dads, some with two moms, and more"-

Cross My Heart and Never Lie

"Tuva is starting seventh grade, and her checklist of goals includes: writing out a diary, getting a trendy look, building the best fort in the woods with her BFFs, and much more. But when she starts school, nothing is how she hoped it would be. Seventh grade has split her friends into rival factions: TEAM LINNEA and the girls who fall in love and TEAM BAO and the girls who NEVER fall in love. Linnea has a BOYFRIEND, Bao hates everything related to love. Worst of all, Linnea and Bao expect Tuva to choose a side!"

Arden Grey

"Sixteen-year-old Arden Grey finds escape in her love of film photography as she navigates toxic relationships and how they influence her identity. Arden Grey's mother has left their family, her father and her younger brother won't talk about it. A classmate, Tanner, keeps harassing her about her sexuality, which isn't even public. At least she's got her love of film photography and her best and only friend, Jamie, to help her cope. Then Jamie, who is trans, starts dating Caroline, and suddenly he isn't so reliable. Arden's insecurity about their friendship grows: is she jealous, or is Jamie's relationship with Caroline somehow unhealthy?"

Gender Rebels

"Explore the history to trans and nonbinary people throughout history and the world. Readers will be educated and enlightened about trans and nonbinary people who have made a difference in our world and who continue to help raise awareness of diversity and inclusion in current society. This book will open up dialogue and help educate young adults on the history, legacy, and future of trans and nonbinary people and their rights at a time when protecting those rights is needed more than ever. The book is complete with sidebars about trans topics, a reference guide, and a glossary of terminology"

Best Men

"Max Moody thought he had everything figured out, including having the best friend a gay guy could ask for: Paige. But then everything in Max's life is turned upside down when Paige announces she's engaged and wants Max to be her best man. But it turns out there's not just one new man in Paige's life-there are two. There's the groom, Austin, who's a perfectly nice guy. And then there's his charming, younger, and really hot gay brother, Chasten, who is Austin's best man. As Paige's wedding draws closer, Max and Chasten realize they're like oil and water, yet they still have to figure out how to coexist in Paige's life while not making her wedding all about them. But can the tiny spark between them elevate their best man roles into becoming the best men in each other's lives?"

The Beginner's Guide to Being a Trans Ally

"This guide contains practical advice, suggestions and resources for those seeking to gain a better understanding of gender identity and become a better ally to the trans community. With case studies, FAQs, terminology and more, it will help readers to understand identities and experiences, navigate respectful conversations and gain the confidence to create inclusive spaces and relationships"

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