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3146 Camden Place, Conway, South Carolina, 29526, United States

Phone: 843.915.3814

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About cokerehabilitation

Established 10 2012

Coke rehabilitation centers provide therapeutic treatment for those suffering from physical or psychological dependence on cocaine. Because cocaine addiction is such a dangerous and difficult addiction to treat, coke rehabilitation centers use a number of different treatment modalities to help patients cope with the psychological traumas that surround this addiction as well as the physical aspects of addiction to cocaine. Coke rehab is the ideal choice for anyone who abuses cocaine and has tried to stop on their own and just can’t seem to find the strength to go it alone. The goal of coke rehabilitation is to help those who are addicted to cocaine to stop using the drug with a minimal disturbance on the psychological status of the individual. Physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms are both monitored and treated during coke rehabilitation to effectively help the patient to return to a stable mental and physical state. Treatment for underlying issues which may have caused the cocaine addiction is usually provided through counseling and therapy as well as various aftercare services.
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