05/05/2009 Sno-Goer magazine has named Eagle River, Wisconsin as the best place for a family vacation. This by readers who voted for the Snowmobile Capital of the World in a recent magazine pole.
Eagle River, Wisconsin works hard to provide a "sledding" vacation that meets the needs of the family on vacation. Lodging such as Bayside Motor Lodge & Bayside Lodging Rentals offer family style vacations from Rustic to Pampered. Tom & Holly owners can be reached at 866.479.1411 toll free.
When you need motels or snowmobile in the Eagle River area, there can be so many choices. Bayside Motor Lodge provides excellent service in the area of motels or snowmobile…
PMMT heads to Eagle River, WI June 2009
Trail Boss Tom prepares the trails for another winter season
Eagle River, Wisconsin the Snowmobile Capital of the World