• Our mission is to empower individuals to achieve health, balance, and harmonious living through holistic practices. We are passionate about celebrating femininity and empowering women. Our goal is for both women and men to connect with their bodies, awaken sensuality, and cultivate self-love. Contact us to schedule your yoni steam appointment!
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  • I suffered from pcos for years with having an irregular cycle and trying to get pregnant. I worked with Nicole for just a few months and my cycle had started to come back regular, I was finally able to get my hormones under control. By the end of that year I finally was able to conceive when my doctor told me it would be hard. I just want to say thank you, you changed our lives by helping us get pregnant.
    Stephanie & John
  • "Finding Empress Organics was truly a blessing for me because I had so many problems and their products were able to help me. I did the pearls then the steam and I no longer have bv. This process was a two month process and now my ph balance is in order and so is my hormones. I was given herbs to take to help get pregnant after trying for five years I’m finally pregnant. I can’t explain how happy I am with the cleansing and the products here. I love the feminine wash. They have so much patience here because I had a million questions before I placed my order. I highly recommend Empress Organicss"
    Maria G
  • Every since I started using your feminine wash my yeast infections have disappeared and I no longer have odor. My old wash that I use to use didn’t last all day by noon I would have to freshen up. Your wash last all day and I use to feminine spray before I work out. Thank you for creating such amazing products for women with sensitive skin like myRead more about review stating Best fem washself. I recommend all ladies to use this feminine wash you will love it
  • "Yoni detox pearls has changed my life. I had a problem with yeast infections after my cycle and wanted to use the yoni detox pearls. I had a lot of questions so I sent a email and someone called me back answering all my questions which was so helpful and meant a lot to me because these were personal problems and questions. I’ve been using the pearls for 3 months now with Empress Organics Feminine wash and I no longer suffer from infections or dryness, I feel tighter, no longer have any odor and this has restored my sexual confidence. I love their plant based feminine wash, I tried a lot of companies and yours is the best. Thanks Empress Organics for restoring my sexual health"
    Valencia H
  • I had cyst from pcos and have been doing continuous yoni steaming and drinking the herbs that was made for me, I no longer have cyst or heavy painful periods.
  • I had a 4cm cyst that my doctors wanted me to have surgery to get removed, I did my yoni steams with the pcos herbs and drunk the tea daily. I went back to my doctor for an ultrasound and the cyst is no longer there, forever grateful.
  • "Every since I started using empress organics vaginal wash I've had less yeast and bv infections and the vaginal spray keeps me fresh even after a workout. I received my yoni eggs 2 days after ordering them. I've been using them for only 6 weeks and can feel a difference in the tightness of my vagina, my husband feels it as well. The staff is super helpful and returned my emails with all the questions I swarmed them with. I would highly recommend empress organics vaginal wash and yoni eggs definitely work."
    Jamie S
  • "This feminine wash is the truth, it’s gentle and I can’t use nothing else. I no longer have odor since using it"
  • "Let me start by saying Empress Organics has the best customer service. When I received by yoni steam herbs and the steam seat I was able to do my first yoni steam and I fed the change. I was getting yeast infection and it was causing odor. Steaming has changed everything and I no longer have those symptoms. I will continue to steam every month because it helps keep my ph balanced. I used the feminine wash and it’s so refreshing, thanks again"
  • "I’ve been suffering from swelling and pain since having my child three years ago. Yoni steams have always been helpful, but the yoni pearls really drew some nasty dead skin, damaged material, and what I believe to be fibroids or cysts. It is not pretty work, but the skin texture felt completely different afterwords. I would recommend it if you have the intuition that you need to “clear house.."
  • "I was hesitant lol, especially after reading some of the reviews online BUT my spirit said to try it. SO I did. I have no words to express the amount of gratitude that my body sent me after about 4-5 hours. I could describe the experience as euphoric. No odors, very light discharge and the most incredible healing feeling in my lower body, that I never ever felt. I'm on my second pearl now and I feel amazing. Even feels like I can breathe better. I'm blown away...truly. Thank you for this amazing gift to the world."
    Cynthia E
  • "This product by far is the ABSOLUTE best feminine cleanser I’ve ever tried. It does exactly what it states in the product info. You won’t be sorry !"
    Christine B
  • "Back in November I noticed I was getting an unusual smell down there and figured my ph was thrown off... I didn't address the situation thinking that eating right and taking extra precautionary measures would fix it...it did not and it just got worse. Self diagnosed myself w bv, wasn’t going to the doctors because they were gonna charge me to say the same thing😂🤷🏾‍♀️ Anyways I’ve been trying home remedies to fix it but I could not shake it. Stumbled across this website after endless hrs of searching because no other sites had these pearls in stock. I used one pearl Thursday, took it out yesterday (Saturday) and i’m just really amazed at how my ph has reset and everything is back to normal down there. Never gonna stop using these now thank you so much"
    Kierra W
  • "I use to suffer from vaginal dryness and odor, I switched to using empress Organics feminine wash and started steaming and all my problems went away. The steam is so refreshing and you can save money by doing it right at home. I feel tighter and healthier"
  • "Since the summer I’ve been struggling with recurring BV and yeast infections. This was the first time I’ve experienced them and I went to get treated and of course was given antibiotics. After my second round, they still came back and I was just so frustrated so I decided To look into natural alternatives as taking antibiotics regularly is bad. I finished my first treatment, and I’m happy to say my symptoms are basically gone! THIS STUFF WORKS. I’m going to do the second round for better results. I’ve recommended to my girlfriends and they’ve also ordered :)"
  • "Nothing keeps my ph balanced like your washes. I use this one for my everyday use and use the extra strength one during my cycle. I used to get yeast infections after my cycle, ever since I started using your feminine wash it went away. This is a great product high recommend"