Professional Weight Loss Coaching and Nutrition Consulting

Embracing a healthier lifestyle through accountability, support, & results

Professional Weight Loss Coaching and Nutrition Consulting

Embracing a healthier lifestyle through accountability, support, & results

Empower Your Mindset

Our weight loss and nutrition coaches specialize in providing online professional nutrition consulting for weight loss, and healthy living. 100% online in real-time via Zoom or phone consultations. Our weight loss coaches are based in Chicago but our clients live all over the world, thanks to technology.

We’re the nutrition coaching and consulting company that makes you think beyond your comfort zone… go beyond old patterns that have held you back… think beyond nutrition to elevate your mindset… and move beyond everything you know about nutrition to elevate your actions. Our diet and nutrition experts build up your confidence. And it works!

Since a recent survey by Healthline has found that 61 percent of U.S. adults said that they’ve gained undesired weight since the pandemic began––an average of 29 pounds per person with 10 percent saying they’ve gained more than 50 pounds––our diet consultants are also experts in COVID weight loss.

What if You…

Could finally find your blueprint for success by going beyond the diets you have tried in the past?

Could feel empowered by your food choices rather than feeling like a victim?

Knew what foods to eat rather than guessing if you’re eating right to lose weight?

Meet your Virtual Nutrition Coach

Our weight loss and nutrition coaches specialize in providing online nutrition coaching for weight loss, healthy living, and athletic performance. 100% online in real-time via Zoom or phone consultations. Our weight loss coaches are based in Chicago but our clients live all over the world, thanks to technology.

We’re the weight loss coaches that make you think beyond your comfort zone… go beyond old patterns that have held you back… think beyond nutrition to elevate your mindset… and move beyond everything you know about nutrition to elevate your actions. We build up your confidence. And it works!

Since a recent survey by Healthline has found that 61 percent of U.S. adults said that they’ve gained undesired weight since the pandemic began––an average of 29 pounds per person with 10 percent saying they’ve gained more than 50 pounds––we’re also experts in COVID weight loss.

What if You…

Could finally find your blueprint for success by going beyond the diets you have tried in the past?

Could feel empowered by your food choices rather than feeling like a victim?

Knew what foods to eat rather than guessing if you’re eating right to lose weight?

Meet your Weight Loss & Nutrition Coach

Our weight loss and nutrition coaches specialize in providing online professional nutrition consulting for weight loss, and healthy living. 100% online in real-time via Zoom or phone consultations. Our weight loss coaches are based in Chicago but our clients live all over the world, thanks to technology

We’re the nutrition coaching and consulting company that makes you think beyond your comfort zone… go beyond old patterns that have held you back… think beyond nutrition to elevate your mindset… and move beyond everything you know about nutrition to elevate your actions. Our diet and nutrition experts build up your confidence. And it works!

What if You…

Could finally find your blueprint for success by going beyond the diets you have tried in the past?

Could feel empowered by your food choices rather than feeling like a victim?

Knew what foods to eat rather than guessing if you’re eating right to lose weight?

Why Choose Us as your Weight Loss & Nutrition Coach?

What’s our big promise? By working with one of our weight loss coaches and nutrition consultants in Chicago, you will understand your personal blueprint for success. When you work with our lifestyle and weight management consultants, you will develop strength, resilience, and confidence to manage your weight and nutrition –– now and in the future.

Why Choose Us as your Weight Loss & Nutrition Coach?

What’s our big promise? By working with one of our virtual weight loss coaches in Chicago, you will gain an understanding of what your personal blueprint for success is. You will develop strength, resilience, and confidence to manage your weight and nutrition –– now and inthe future.

What our Weight Loss & Nutrition Consulting Clients Say

Allison Jokinen
Allison Jokinen
2 October 2023
I worked with Gwen over 3 months and she was amazing. Before starting coaching, I knew a good amount about healthy habits and nutrition but for some reason I wasn't implementing them. I had also been trying to get pregnant for 6 months with no luck. In working with Gwen with weekly check ins, it gave me an accountability partner to check in every week, look at what I did, talk about what I want to do to make the next week even better, and stick to healthy habits. One month into working with Gwen and making some changes to my nutrition, making sure I was getting the right things to help with fertility, we got PREGNANT! I totally see that as a direct result of working with Gwen. Now that I am half way through my preganncy, I am still tapping into the habits created, conversations we had, and insights I pulled from those conversations to ensure I am making good decisions for me and the baby, and also allowing BALANCE between healthy habits and decisions, yet allowing myself to indulge and to listen to my body if I need rest, etc. I highly recommend working with Gwen. She wasn't only a coach, but a friend! So grateful!! ✨
Thomas Lawrence
Thomas Lawrence
14 August 2023
Working with Gwen has been an amazing experience. Her energy, positivity, knowledge, and always going above and beyond was exactly what I needed. Reaching your health/fitness goals isn't just about calories in and calories out... There's so much more... Further, the path to reaching your goals vastly varies from person to person which is why Beyond the Box Nutrition's customized approach is so critical. During my journey, I had ups and downs... Life gets in the way but Gwen was my constant. She helped me gain muscle, lose fat, make sense of how my body reacts to things, kept me on track and never gave up! Thanks so much Gwen!
Sara Weinstein
Sara Weinstein
10 March 2023
Working with Gwen was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. I had put off working with a nutritionist for years, convinced they would only tell me what I'd already learned online... I was amazed at how misinformed I was once I started. Gwen was incredibly empathetic, motivating and data driven. The way I approach nutrition has completely changed, and I have never felt more empowered or more happy with who I am than I do today. By staying dedicated to my nutrition plan, I have steadily lost weight over the course of several months. Thank you, thank you, coach Gwen and the entire Beyond the Box team who made this journey so easy and filled with love!
Laura G
Laura G
30 January 2023
Working with Gwen has been life-changing and the first time in my life where I was able to lose weight at a healthy pace. I never feel deprived or restricted with what I could eat or drink. I was never pushed into doing workouts I wasn’t comfortable with and she helped me find workouts I could do with my injuries. She was my biggest cheerleader and always there to guide me when I had questions. After three months of working with her she set me up to do this all of this on my own. This is the best investment I have ever made in myself.
Jennifer Kaiser
Jennifer Kaiser
30 November 2022
My life is better because I met Gwen! Admittedly, I had gotten into some bad habits over the past few years. I needed help getting out of the cycle. Gwen was the perfect person to help me achieve my health goals and concentrate on sustainable habits for my lifestyle. She is honest, encouraging, and compassionate. I couldn’t recommend her services enough if you need someone to help you be accountable, change habits, and learn some new tips and tricks for staying on track.
Jennifer Guzman
Jennifer Guzman
21 October 2022
I’m so appreciative of the experience I had with Gwen. She really understood what mattered to me and showed me the way to look at nutrition as a part of a more holistic approach to health and lifestyle overall. Her way to track things and hold myself accountable didn’t feel overwhelming - it just enabled me to have a way to look at my habits and make small tweaks when needed. Overall, I loved that she looked at me as a whole - not just measurements, weight, etc.
Victoria Super
Victoria Super
15 September 2022
Gwen has reshaped my thoughts about what a “diet” really is. Her vast knowledge of nutrition has changed the paradigm completely for me. It’s not about deprivation. It’s about giving your body what it needs, in the right amounts, to perform at its optimal level. I will forever be grateful for her thoughtful, and caring approach to my individual needs. She has given me the tools to make the right decisions about food, and how to incorporate them with exercise, to get the best outcome. Bravo, Gwen!
Cycle Girl
Cycle Girl
14 September 2022
I met Gwen through mutual friends one evening. We were sitting on the sofa next to each other, and I turned to her and said, "I think I have an eating disorder." That was the beginning of a wonderfully supportive and successful relationship. Gwen got me on track with a weight loss goal, meals, protein intake, and daily calorie intake target. Her encouragement, knowledge, and guidance helped me lose 15 lbs (a bit beyond my initial goal), which I've managed to keep off. I can't recommend Gwen and Beyond the Box Nutrition enough - hire her now!!
Hilary S
Hilary S
25 June 2022
Gwen is amazing. I found Beyond the Box when I was having a hard time and my relationship with food and exercise was at its worst. I initially reached out because I wanted someone to hold me accountable to my goals. Gwen did that and so much more. Through working with Gwen, I was able to identify family-related triggers to disordered thoughts about food (e.g., this food is "bad" and if I eat it, I should feel bad/guilty). She gave me simple tools that I could easily remember: half the plate is veggies. lean proteins "most" of the time (meaning, foods with more grams of protein than fat), fat is a garnish--only one source of fat at a time, carbs are not bad--but some have more nutritional value than others. And while these tools were general advice, they were not "rules". Gwen helped me understand nothing is good or bad, but there are some things that are more in service of your goals than others. it depends on what your goals are. She also taught me restriction of any given thing at all times is not a sustainable way to achieve goals. She celebrated my wins during each session, no matter how big or small they were. When I explained to her that myfitnesspal and tracking calories was triggering and burdensome for me, she understood and proposed an alternate way of tracking what I ate that worked very well for me. In short, I am so grateful I found Beyond the Box Nutrition. Gwen is so positive, encouraging, flexible, and willing to work with you to figure out your path to achieving your goals. I highly recommend!
Breck Robinson
Breck Robinson
24 June 2022
Definitely recommend Gwen from Beyond the Box Nutrition. I have learned so much from her over the past handful of months. I learned how to organize my meals efficiently in a way that helps me stay within my set calories and macros all while using an app to help keep me accountable (something that was daunting for me in the beginning). I have seen my body composition change in a positive way. I have changed my eating habits by making intentional decisions about the food I consume in every meal so that I am able achieve my fitness goals. I have lost 15 pounds so far since I started working with her! All of which is amazing to me!

Request a Call

Complete a short online form to provide an overview of your weight loss and nutrition goals. We’ll reach out to you to schedule a complimentary call with a weight loss coach and nutrition consultant.